Rain drops

Fine lines 

like shards of glass

make the sky static.


lines of heaven

into the landscape.

Each globe

reflects the world

in upside-down spheres.

Charged with 

the calling to 

nourish where it lands.


the path it’s on 

by gravity’s pull.


of tiny dots

meet to form the sea.

Time, as water

Time is inconsistent, non-linear, contextual. 

At this very moment every hour of the day is being lived. At this very moment, memories of past and dreams of future combine to inform the way we experience nowness. Some moments slip away, unnoticed. Others drag by for figurative ages. We all know a watched pot never boils; every kid knows Christmas Eve lasts forever. 

Today I am feeling the strange transitory nature of time. 

It feels like a CD that skips over the scratches - some of the moments glitching on repeat, but suddenly it skips to the end of the song. I feel like time has bent and skipped over some of the past months, which, as I lived them, felt painfully glitchy and tediously on-repeat at times. 

Today I just found out that my Prague solo show in Galery Gema was a year ago?! Definitely a time-bending-skip-over-most-of-the-song moment. How could that have been a year ago? What have I accomplished in this year? I wipe a tear away and take a deep breath and try to ruminate on the many things that have happened these last 365 days. Maybe more has happened than I initially realized.

Landmark moments tend to distort the flow of time, creating crescendo waves which in retrospect dominate a season. Maybe time, though, as water, comes in various forms - not only dynamic waves, but also drizzly rain, laughing streams, relentless rivers, glassy ponds.

Maybe it all combines to create meaning in its specific way, molding me as water does the landscape. 



Wind chases through the neighborhood maze, 

whistling across metal railings positioned in precise angles, 

playing hopscotch in trees’ leaves, 

animating the world with invisible laughter. 

Unformed fingers pluck rhythms of sound, 

caress fields of wild grass, 

push solemn trunks in steady currents, 

a collaborative ballet.

My hair floats and I wonder, 

Have I met this air before

across the ocean many years ago;

has it blown across familiar faces? 

To where is it rushing? 

Could I imagine its memories or 

attach to it a message for a future self? 

This presents a question: is wind constantly new, being ever exuded and expended, 

or is it the same, racing around Terra since the atmosphere was made? 


The visible bends beneath the invisible,

both conspicuously present in this moment. 

Autorský večer s Karavanou

Dnes! 5.12.2019 v 18 hod. v Klub SAMAŘÍ, Soukenická 15, Praha 1

Umělecká platforma Karavana sdružuje umělce napříč obory a denominacemi. V rámci večera představí tvorbu několika umělců a svoje aktivity. Někteří vystavující budou nabízet svoje autorské věci k prodeji.

Seznam vystavujících / prezentujících:

Kristýna Plíhalová - ilustrace
Anna Straková - kresby
Kateřina Bartošová - ilustrace
Aleš Novák - malba
Dominik Obruča - autorské čtení básní
Monika Hrachová - šperk
Veronika Sukdolová - performance
Marie Dvořáková - video
Jan Paclt - instalace / architektura
Edie Benáková - obrazy/kombinovaná technika
Matouš Marťák - grafický design
Hannah Brown - malba


Komentovaná prohlídka : jste srdečně zváni!

Srdečně Vás zvu na komentovanou prohlídku mé výstavy Mou krajinou proměnnou / Never the Same View.

Kdy? : středa 27.11.2019 v 17 - 18 hod. (galerie v 18.00 musí zavírat, tak klidně přijďte dřív)

Kde? : Galerie Gema, Máchova 27, Praha 2


You are invited to a guided tour of my art show next Wednesday the 27th. The tour will be in the Czech language, so if you are interested in an English tour, send me a message and we can try to make it happen before the show ends on November 29th!


Tlumená píseň (Muffled Song) - art show / výstava

Dear friends, I invite you to start the new year with a new art show! It opens this Friday at 5 pm, and the exhibition will be up in Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav until the end of January!

(There will be works you haven't seen in the current show Imagine in Čelákovice, so it will be worth your visit✨)


Zvu vás zahájit nový rok s novou výstavou! Vernisáž je tento pátek 4.1.2019 od 17 hod., a na výstavu se můžete přijít podívat do konce ledna v Brandýse nad Labem-Stará Boleslav!

(Budou tam díla, která jste na výstavě Imagine v Čelákovicích neviděli✨)

A6 letak tlumena pisen.jpg

Imagine - art show / výstava

If you’re in the Czech Republic, you have one more week to visit to my art show! Let me know if you want a personal tour, and we can try to arrange something :)
Hope you can make it!


Ještě týden zbývá do konce výstavy! Každý den od 10-18 hod. Jste srdečně zváni, a jestli máte zájem, můžeme si domluvit osobní prohlídku :) 
Doufám, že můžete dorazit!

invitation for Imagine show


Hi! Writing has until now been an irreplaceable behind-the-scenes element in my creative process (and life-coping process, haha). I wanted to invite you into it, by posting some of them on this informal space, and ask you to participate, share your thoughts, and together create ideas! 

I have to admit I can be shy to share my thoughts, as I am aware of my untamable tendency toward melodrama. I am also usually frustrated at words' limitations to express feelings. But then again, every medium has limitations. Without limitations we couldn't communicate, comprehend, or even exist; in fact, I guess it is limitations themselves that allow us to understand and be anything definite at all. Hmm... that idea will have to be returned to. 

(that smudge is my hand waving to say hi :)  )

(that smudge is my hand waving to say hi :)  )